
By now I have gone to all of my classes at least once. I think I am going to love my classes, except my French one, go figure. They don’t seem like too much work, but just enough. I also went to a university of paris campus with a café where I can get discounted meals which is really nice because food is really expensive. It was really nice because you actually got fed a lot and it was only about 4 euros. A lot cheaper than a real café or restaurant.
Versailles last weekend was pretty cool. Its just as I remembered it, but I do wanna go back when the weather is nice so I can see the gardens in full. I also booked my flight to Barcelona and I am really excited. I am going with a few people from my program so it should be a lot of fun to be outside of paris during winter break. Now that I am here, I am seeing that even though its cheap to travel, its still expensive with the exchange rate. The only other places I really want to go are London for the royal wedding and Amsterdam. A friend wants me to go to Amsterdam for Queens days, the same weekend as the royal wedding, but I feel like I can do that any weekend, but I cant see the prince and his bride get married ever again. Dublin is out because I have a field trip for one of my classes the Friday after St. Patrick’s. If time and money allow, I would also like to add Rome or Florence to places I would like to visit. We will see what happens.
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This is one of many posts from my journal I wrote during my semester abroad in 2011. I will not change anything in the post unless noted here.

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