Tips for Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, CO

45 minutes south of Denver is Colorado Springs. There are many attractions in Colorado Springs, but the one you cannot miss is the Garden of the Gods. Here are some tips for your visit: Its… View Post

Liberty Place Sky Deck

9-11 Memorial in NYC and One World Observatory

NYC French Consulate: My Experience

In order to live and work abroad, legally at least, most countries require a visa. I have gone thru this process twice at the French Consulate in New York City. Even though they were for… View Post

Camp Bisco – My First Camping Music Festival

Camp Bisco is a 3 day Music Festival led by the band the Disco Biscuits.  This year it was located in Scranton, PA and had camping, a water park and all day music. As someone… View Post

Philadelphia Flower Show

Bicycle World

9/11 Memorial in Shanksville