I leave for Barcelona tomorrow. I am very excited to go to Spain since I have never been there before, but I am also nervous to be traveling by myself. I am also nervous because I’m going with a girl that I am not that close with from school. I have other friends who are going, of course, but I’m going to have to stay in the hostel with Kate. Well, whatever doesn’t kill me will always make me stronger. I’m also excited because this is where Jordan chose to study abroad. I’m going to do and see the things he saw and I’m going to do the list of things he told me to do. I’m excited because I think me and Jordan are at the same level with being very cultured and I look up to him for that reason. I also think this will be another thing we can talk about and make us closer. I’m excited to go to the clubs and eat the food. I’m also excited to see the beach and the ocean. It is supposed to be good weather but we will see how it turns out. I’m also excited to learn about the city since I don’t know a lot about it. I’m going to be there for 6 days so I think that’s a lot of time and I hope to do a lot.

This is one of many posts from my journal I wrote during my semester abroad in 2011. I will not change anything in the post unless noted here.