I turned 29 two months… it’s hard to believe this is my last year in my twenties! On the eve of my Birthday I decided to start a 30 things to do before I turn 30 list. Here is what I have come up with:

- Lose weight & exercise regularly –> I completed the Whole30 and lost 15 pounds during the month of June! I am now finding my way back to my own diet that will keep the weight off and be vegan.
- Prioritize mental health aka more yoga
- Do a great walk –> planning this for Christmas
- Get another tattoo
- Read a book a month: June “The Moon Sister”, July “Mamas Boy”
- PERSONAL –> doing in August
- Napier Wine Trail with friends –> also planning for Christmas
- Skyjump –> planning when friends come to visit
- Learn how to make soap/candles/perfumes
- Photo shoot
- Scuba Diving License
- Take a dance class or pole class
- Learn to sew
- Tree adventures
- Do reiki
- Save $8k and do not go into travel fund
- Womads Festival –> actively planning on going
- Make a painting –> almost done!
- Toastmasters
- Stop biting my nails –> great improvement…
- Play clarinet –> have rented a clarinet and am taking lessons!
- Take French lessons
- Pose naked for an art class
- Grow flowers
- Speedboat –> planning when a friend comes to visit
- Write in diary every day and do card of the day –> did in June to record diet, been keeping up
- Pinnacles hike –> done!
- Trail run
- Zorb –> planning when a friend comes to visit

Out of that list, I have ticked 6 things off! A few more are in the works and I feel as though I can accomplish almost everything on this list by May 2020.

TIP: Make your own list… life is too short! Get a journal to record everything and feel accomplished when you check things off!
Have you ever had a bucket-list like this?