45 minutes south of Denver is Colorado Springs. There are many attractions in Colorado Springs, but the one you cannot miss is the Garden of the Gods. Here are some tips for your visit:
Its free! Since it is an United States National Natural Landmark, the park is free. They take donations and have a nice gift shop that benefits the land.
Don’t expect many flowers. It may not be a “Garden” but it does have amazing formations of red rocks.
Wear comfortable shoes. There are over a dozen paths you can walk to see all of the unique landscapes. Some can be a few miles long.
Parking is scarce. Be aware, parking is troublesome so be ready to walk and or hike once you get to the visitors center.
Expect all kinds of weather. When I arrived is was overcast and rainy. This didn’t ruin my time, if anything, there were less people which was nice for pictures and tight paths. The sun came out toward the end but when I first arrived is was in the low 50’s. Once the sun was shining it got up to the mid 70’s.

Found some rock climbers
Climb at your own risk. While around the grounds and admiring the formations, you can always spot some rock climbers! Even though there are posted signs that restrict climbing in certain areas, it is known that you climb at your own risk.
They do offer tours. If you want to see the Gardens but don’t want to walk too much, you can take a tour on a Segway or horseback. The Segway tours are limited to certain paths, but the horses can go anywhere. This also means if your walking you need to watch for horse poop.
Arrive early to see as much as possible. My friend and I arrived in the early afternoon and wish we had came earlier. If you arrive before lunch, you can find parking along the paths versus the visitor center. You can also beat the crowds. Even though the park is so large, there were few times no one was around us.
Get ready to have your breath taken away. This was by far the best view I saw in Colorado! This space is called “Cathedral Valley.”
The best spots are the most crowded. This formation is called the “Siamese Twins” and had quite a crowd.
Yet another great view, from the “Siamese Twins.”
From crazy weather to long paths and crowds, its all so worth it for a view like this!
Have you been to the Garden of the Gods? What else did you do in Colorado Springs?