Go Green Expo & Better Food Fair 2019 – Auckland

After Taste in November, I was over any ‘food’ events going on in the greater Auckland area. However when I saw the ‘Go Green Expo and Better Food Fair‘ I was interested because I consider myself green and try to eat clean, vegan foods as much as possible.

My partner and I got free tickets last year but were unable to go. When some friends told me they were going, I decided to give it shot. I spotted free tickets at my gym and grabbed one! I’m so happy I did, as I will never miss this event again.

One side of the fair was ‘Go Green’ in terms of shopping with small and local businesses. Everything from organic, 100% cotton tampons to handmade soaps and beauty products, the ‘Go Green’ section was my favorite. It opens your eyes to how many chemicals are in many products you are already using.

The ‘Better Food Fair’ was mainly food trucks, however, there were lots of gluten free and vegan stalls. With lots of tasters, it again opens your mind to trying different foods. The best part… the deals! I would not recommend going grocery shopping this weekend until after you stop here. 7 packets of vegan coffee: $5. 2 for $5 snack balls, etc.

The only downfall I had was how crowded the expo felt. It was also so large that my friends and I ended up being there for almost 4 hours!! Other than that I thought it was great and I can’t wait to go next year!

P.S. There are lots of free tickets so don’t bother paying the $5 entrance fee the day of the event or online before hand. You can find one like I did, or wait outside and people have extras and hand them out.

Tip: As you might be buying a lot, show how “Green” you are and bring reusable bags. Or just get them in general and use them when shopping!


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