2 Weeks In…


Looking at my new apartment from the wicker couch on the main deck

I am sitting on my new families wicker sun couch, catching a breeze on the porch while the girls are in the pool, and I can’t help but reflect on the past 2 weeks. I left my home, dog, job and friends to move across the ocean to live my dream. Leaving was much harder than I had expected, and it made me question my choice to drop everything and move to France. After going thru it, I have learned a few things about myself:

  • I’m strong
    Both physically and mentally, the past 2 weeks has been rough on my entire body.
    Packing my life into 3 suitcases was hard mentally, as I had to give away or throw out a lot of my things; but lugging it around airports and new European cities was harder. By myself I had to pull, push and carry heavy bags to baggage claim, thru security and put it in the overhead compartments. When I arrived at my hostel in Reykjavik, I learned that my dorm was on the 5th floor and there was no elevator. But I did it, and my body was able to handle the stress, and weight, of all of my baggage (pun intended).

    All my luggage at my hostel

  • I’m brave
    I gave my job a months notice. Then received my last paycheck. I packed up my life in a week. Then I left on an airplane to follow my dream. All of those things are brave. I am embracing the unknown, and trying to live life in the moment. I don’t have many plans for the next 12 months, except to learn French and travel as much as possible. But I consider myself brave to have taken the leap and followed thru with it. I left everything that was familiar to put myself in an unfamiliar place to start fresh.
  • I’m adventurous
    Traveling alone is not many peoples forte. Going to a new country solo is something most people will never do. I love it, and enjoy the time to myself. I like to be lonely, as it makes me appreciate myself. This past week I planned to go to new places and try new things for the first time, and I did all of them by myself. That makes me quite an explorer and I’m proud to have this quality as I will never have to depend on anyone in my life for anything.

    Traveling alone makes you better at selfies… I’m still working on that

  • I’m growing
    My height is still 5 feet and 1 inch, but I am growing tremendously. From being able to handle all the emotions that occurred from leaving, to being able to handle the stress of traveling, I know I can do anything. I now truly believe in the saying, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” I’ve dreamt of moving to France for 5 years, and I made it happen. Anything you want can and will happen if you are willing to put in the work for it. It took me 8 months, but I’m here. And I can’t wait to see how else I grow throughout this year.

    My new street



  1. Pauline U Rhodes August 24, 2016 / 9:19 pm

    U r brave, strong, and adventitious. I couldn’t do what u did in a million years. How many children r u responsible for and what r their ages.

    • Paula
      August 25, 2016 / 8:30 am

      Thanks for commenting! There are 4 kids, 1 boy and 3 girls. The boy is 15 and likes basketball. The girls are 11, 10 and 7. The two older girls play the guitar and the younger one plays the trumpet. They all swim, like arts and crafts and Legos!

  2. Denise August 25, 2016 / 1:50 am

    Bonjour! I’m glad your goalie buddy shared your blog. I think you’ve discovered part of the answer to your question about “what it is to being an adult” (or adulting, as I like to refer to it). One, do what you LOVE, it will deepen your soul and rewards will flow from you, and to you. Two, be alone with yourself, it’s the only way to determine what it is you really want or need. And, three, definitely continue to share with others (i.e. Your blog), remember that sharing was one of the skills you were taught in Kindergarten. Many blessings! Looking forward to hearing them.

    • Paula
      August 25, 2016 / 8:28 am

      Hi Denise! I’m glad you found my “passport” and I hope you enjoy the journey with me 🙂 You are certainly right, doing what you love, being alone and sharing are all things that make an adult. I’ve been traveling alone and sharing things for quite sometime, but I’m hoping this blog will continue into a full time profession since its something I love to do. What goes around, comes around!

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